Tuesday 5 January 2010

Advanced Media Portfolio - Filming Plan (draft)

Filming Plan

Scene 1: Flags, crossfade between 2 JPG files in iMovie

Time: Any

Place: Any

Cast: N/A

Equipment: iMovie, Flag JPGs

Scene 2: Press Conference


Place: Dance Studio?

Cast: GW, MH, JB, CS, PG, room of people?

Equipment: Camcorder, Party Posters, desk, micorphones, Dictaphones?

Scene 3, 5 & 6: Inside the institute


Place: Cage outside music tech,

Cast: LM, PG, CS

Equipment: Camcorder, Desk, papers, Colin in army gear, chair,

Scene 4:


Place: College corridors

Cast: CS

Equipment: Camcorder

Scene 7:


Place: Cage? Dimly lit room?

Cast: LM

Equipment: Camcorder

PG – Paul Green

GW – Graham Wilde

CS – Colin Spurling

LM – Luke Mitchell

JB – Jack Blackmore

MH – Matthew Horspool

Advanced Media Portfolio - Script

Blue Haven: Script

A constant struggle for sanity

Cast List:

Harry: Luke

Stanislav: Graham Wilde

Party Officials:

Psychiatrist: Paul Green

Army Guard: Colin Spurling

Extras: Jack, Matthew

Scene 1, interior.

Party Demonstration:

Union Jack ripped down and replaced with Party Emblem. Fast cutting. A hand reaches towards the Union Flag poster and quickly rips it down and replaces it with ECP Flag poster.

Scene 2, interior, dance studio possibilty.

Press conference:

Journalists with paper and pens, microphones and Dictaphones sit waiting in expectation to what Stanislav has to say after his glorious (yet illigitamate) rise to power. Questions are asked about why such a small party have been elected. Cameras flash on the backdrop behind them with the Flag of the Party behind.

Journalist 1: How has the ECP won when it is obviously such a small party?

Journalist 2: There have been allogations of vote rigging what do you have to say about this?

Journalist 3: What are going to be your policies on Human Rights?

Stanislav: (very powerfully)­ No questions!

The Institute

Scene 3, interior, plain room with a desk, and papers.

Shots of a psychiatrist sitting behind a desk, with harry slumped sitting in a chair opposite. The psychitrist is looking very forward and intimidating.

Paul: You’re ill Harry. You think you’re a freedom fighter but you’re just a paranoid skitsophrenic. I think we need to up your dose of Largactil. We need to fix you Harry. Recovery is a long road to go down. Sanity may come. Here at Blue Haven, we can get you there. We’re here to help you Harry. (Dialogue to be dubbed over trailer.)

Scene 4, interior, corridors.

Guard patroling corridors at night. (Ask Colin about using him and his army uniform).

Scene 5, interior, plain room, (same as scene 3)

Harry is sat in a chair tied up, the psychiatrist and the guard are standing over him, interrogating him, guard is shouting abuse, and psychiatrist is examining him, talking to him, telling him he is insane, kicking and flailing on the chair harry falls over and gets dragged up and taken to solitary.

Paul: What are we going to do with you harry?

Harry: There’s nothing wrong with me!

Paul: Take him to The Cage.

Guard: Ahh, The Cage, that’ll fuckin’ sort you out, state hatin’ piece of shit. (said dragging harry to his feet and forcing him forward)

Scene 6, interior follow exterior.

Harry is put in solitary confinement by the Guard forcefully as psychiartrist looks over. (Use the cage outside the side entrance of music tech, initial film taken in daylight, then night shots of him in the cage by himself).

(Cut between cage and chair room very fast cuts)

Scene 7, interior, in The Cage, dusk.

Harry is sat in a dim room on the floor with knees up to his chest crossed, and arms wrapped round the top of his knees, with his head down. Camera zoom in. Harry lifts his head looking very blank and sad.

Narration: RNC Productions Presents, a film by Dave Knowles, starring Luke Mitchell, Paul Green and Colin Spurling. Blue Haven. A constant struggle for sanity. In Cinemas, October 1st.

Advanced Media Portfolio - Project Ideas

Media Project Ideas

· Institution for Mentally Insane

· One Party political state (communist extremists)

· Based around present day, possible infulences from Soviet Russia/Nazi Germany

· Political rebellion in progress, main character involved

· Gets caught plotting against the state, and sent to the Institution

· All inmates are political prisoners, the state say that they have “gone mad” so they can justify them being in there without causing and uproar on the outside

· Main character knows he isnt insane, but the physchiartrist trys to convince him he is in an attempt to brainwash him into the ways of the state

· Begins to question his sanity realises he needs to get out before his brain is washed completely

Background Information

In 2009 the Prime Minister called a general election in Britain, realising this needed to be done as the country was on a downward spiral. All was well in the build up, partys were busy milling around gaining public support, live debates were present on the television, and party rallys were taking place up and down the country. This just looked like any other normal British General Election.

Beneath all this normality was something that wasn’t so normal. A party had been formed, a group of communist extremists led by Edward Stanislav, who was originally russian, were figuring out a way of getting in to power. They came to the conclusion of rigging the election. They had memebers on the inside to make this possible.

The election came, the British Public voted, all not thinking that their votes wouldn’t mean anything. The communists were in power. Immediately change was noticable, as soon as they set foot in the cabinet office they were changing the way the country was run. Democracy was abolished. The Army was bought back to Britain for controlling purposes. More importantly the Institutions were opened.

Hereford was the base for one of these Institutions. Immediately there were small groups of rebels forming in and around Communist Britain. One of which were the name, led by Harry Webber.

A few months after Harrys attempted uprising he was picked up off the street and taken to The Institute. His time in Blue Haven was a constant struggle in his mind, beliefs were questioned, sanity was corrupted and torture was eventually a daily routine in order to brainwash his mind into believing that communism is the only way.

Minutes turned into hours, hours turned into days, days into months, and months turned into years. Harry had no idea what was going on in the outside world, a head full of anger and hatred for the state, then became a head full of questions, pain and suffering.

After six years of being imprisoned in Blue Haven, after the psychaiatrists attempting to crush every amount of sanity left in his mind, he eventually remembered what was going on, and why he was sent to Blue Haven in the first place. Things weren’t going well on the outside. After nearly seven years of power the uprisings against the communist state were growing by the week, chaos lurked in the streets. His own followers were starting to question his methods. Plans to overthrow the regime was completely were starting to be devised.

Harry now was giving the wrong questions for the state, but the right questions for himself, in the sense that his will power to survive and get out of Blue Haven was becoming stronger than that of the pshychiartrists mental torture. He had started to gather a few of the ‘Patients’ together that were like him before they entered the institute and began to plot a way out of Blue Haven. This was easier than expected. Due to inexpensive building materials and lack of money corners were cut in the construction on certain parts of the building. Escape eventually came after a long struggle for health. He was now back in the outside world, no longer imprisoned in Blue Haven, but still imprisoned in the state. In a matter of days of his release the secret police were after him, in hiding in Hereford he was reunited with his former rebel group who were once again plotting rebellion. On November 23rd 2017, 8 years after the communists came to power, Jones was assassinated on live television whilst doing a press conference on education reforms. The country now was in uproar, the fight for power had begun. The ring leaders in all of the were obviosly Harry and his rebel group. His hatred for the state had built up whilst imprisoned in Blue Haven, he realised that he needed to do something to try and help preserve Old Britain.